As usual, the ABC Hansen with its Hippo Mills and Scanwood Solution division again has something special to offer our customers at Nampo.
This year our focus is on animal feed production through different routes. Our Danish sister company Cormall has, for many years focussed in straw, hay and silage processing mainly to the biomass energy market but also to the dairy and beef cattle sector. It’s very large spiral mixers in capacities 18m3, 22m3, 30m3, 42m3 and 50 m3 has been the cornerstone of its processing system and we have brought these magnificent mixers to Nampo this year.
The MX30 mixer can handle some 7.5 tons of straw, hay and a higher tonnage of silage in one mix and at 8-15 mixes per 8 hour day, some 60 – 120 tons can be processed in one day. The most remarkable feature however is the low power consumption of only 44kW on the 50 cubic meter mixer versus at least 240 kW on a similar vertical mixer, or just 18% of the vertical mixer’s power. And the high efficiency difference is obvious when considering the following comparative ratios:
- Feed variation 16.1% in Cormall vs 41.9% in vertical mixers.
- Mix variation 3.7% vs 9.4% in the verticals.
- Mineral variation 2.4% in Cormall mixers vs 9.4% in vertical mixers.
The mixer is filled with front end loaders. Bales are added without shredding and the mixed product is overhead discharged on completion in bulk trailers with unload capacity and small tractor driven.
Poultry, swine and other feeds can be mixed with the same efficiency and is easily loaded without additional conveyors into bulk cars.
Hippo Mills exhibits its HayKing hammer mill with matching HayKing hammer mill and paddles mixer in 3,000liter capacity. The landmark silo at the site this year caters for a Fine Milling Accessories and Equipment exhibition inside, well worth having a look and picking up some bargains.
Scanwood will focus on chippers – with an amazingly low priced mobile chipper being a Grizzly 180 chipper converted in-house with petrol engine drive, displaying applied local technology saving our customers thousands with the same prime equipment they are used to. Bushgraze technology will also feature prominently with systems whereby drought stricken farmers can benefit greatly.
ABC Hansen Grain is still our main feature with the 750 ton silo on site, the 100 ton per hour grain pump and the new tractor driven 200 – 240 ton per hour bunker unloader on display.
Visit ABC Hansen and Scanwood Solutions at stands numbers C34A and C3. Looking forward to farm with you.